Love me in the rain

"To love is not to look at one another, it is to look, together, in the same direction." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Aime-moi dans la pluie

Love me in the rain


It is here ….,

Under the seven heavens, the first time I had this feeling.

It’s almost indecent to try to define it,

It is like this magnificent bird whose name escapes us and whose colors will forever be impressed in our heart.

Many lend him the value of fire, I prefer that of rain.

It falls on its hosts and covers them whole.

It is a sweet fragrance,

Which like this essence at the rhythm of the seasons and the contact of the skin reveals all its

There are some encounters that one does only once... or two,

As if to remind us how it is precious, great and infinite.

I often make this dream where I see these creatures dancing in the darkness,

Right here under the stars and whose lips whisper:

« If you can, if you want, then love me in the rain… »

« Love me in the rain » ©

« Noires sont les roses »



"To love is not to look at one another, it is to look, together, in the same direction."

« Antoine de Saint-Exupéry »

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